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Don't Tempt Me Page 3
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"Then you shouldn't have gone out of your way to earn a spanking tonight," he said with no sympathy whatsoever. "You've been rude and insulting, telling me to 'fuck off', and calling me 'Buster' with all the contempt you can muster. I won't have that from my wife, Jenna. When you behave like a brat, then you will be treated as one." Will was done talking. He spanked in earnest, turning her cheeks from a creamy white to pink to dark pink and finally a nice dark shade of red. Jenna was soon crying and begging him to stop, but he didn't.
"I want you to promise you will sit down with me and discuss this situation with Mrs. Pratt in a reasonable manner, Jenna. She's an elderly woman, and she doesn't need to be dragged into Court."
"No amount of spanking is going to get me to agree to drop this lawsuit, William Cole."
Will heard the steel in her voice and stopped spanking immediately. "Is that your final word on the subject?" he asked in a cold tone of voice.
"It is. You had several months to deal with her in neighborly fashion and you didn't. She has you convinced she is a sweet little old lady, but mark my words, Will, she hates me and she's out to kill me. I'm taking her down legally before she does." As his eyes narrowed in outrage she added in a calm tone of voice, "I do apologize for swearing at you, and I will try to stop calling you 'Buster'. I've always used that word when angry... but I will try very hard to stop." He nodded curtly. Her expression softened then, "I'm sorry I took my anger with her out on you, honey. I know that wasn't fair, but I am really angry right now. I spent good money on those tomato plants... and on the flowers... and on the seed for my sugar snap peas. Can't you see that she is attacking me?"
"I can see that you are truly upset over your garden," Will conceded. "I don't think that Mrs. Pratt is the guilty party, however." When Jenna's lovely blue eyes filled with tears, he held up his hands in surrender. "Let's just drop it for tonight. My wife made a wonderful dinner that is downstairs going to waste while I am fading away into nothing. Would you like to join me for dinner, lovely lady?" he offered her his arm, and to his delight and relief, she took it and went downstairs with him and finished fixing their salads.
Jenna's bottom was stinging furiously, but she had it coming for the disrespectful way she spoke to her husband. She knew better than to act like that. "Will, when I get so angry, I take it out on everyone around me. It's not personal, honey, and now I am perfectly ashamed of myself for what I said to you while I was in the shower. I didn't mean it. Please forgive me...?" she looked at him hopefully.
Will pulled her close and held her. "You're forgiven, Jenna. Just know that using that kind of language will get you a stinging bottom each and every time," he warned her. "Fair enough?" he asked, and smiled when she nodded. Now all he had to do was reason with her about poor Mrs. Pratt. The woman used a cane... and a walker sometimes. There was no way she would risk falling by crossing her yard and theirs to beat up on Jenna's tomato plants. He was going to have to install a security camera in the backyard to find out who was doing these things. It certainly wasn't Mrs. Pratt.
The rest of the evening passed quietly and harmoniously. Will complimented their dinner and then helped her put away the leftovers, telling her he was thankful there would be something wonderful to take and reheat in the microwave for lunch the next day since he had a full load of cases. Jenna had plans for lunch, and she assured him he was welcome to the leftovers. They watched a movie, and then went to bed to make love. It was exactly what Jenna needed to make her feel loved once more. Will felt the same, and when they went to sleep they felt reconnected in their commitment to each other.
Jenna waited until the weekend and then she planted new tomato plants. She was relieved when Will installed a small camera to watch over the garden area. Maybe now she would get the proof she needed to hang that old woman out to dry!
"Jenna, more than likely you're going to learn it's some kids having their idea of fun," Will scolded her for even suggesting such a thing.
"Kids would have done more than smash my tomato plants, Will!" she argued.
"I was hoping you would calm down by now and agree to drop the suit," he admitted, looking at her from his position beside the shed where he was putting the motion sensor camera.
"I am calm, and I'm not going to drop the lawsuit. Honey, she keeps destroying my property. She's lucky I'm filing a civil suit instead of having her arrested."
"The police would laugh at you," he said matter-of-factly. "Please, Jenna, drop this before it gets out of hand. It doesn't look pretty for a shark of an attorney to attack an eighty-five year old woman. You know the press will get wind of it, and you'll get negative publicity."
"I'll also win my case," she grinned. "Once I get her on film ransacking my garden she won't have any choice but admit she is guilty as sin."
"Do you really think a few tomato plants are worth all of this?"
"Don't forget my petunias and my sugar snap peas," she said with a straight face. "Only the Lord knows what she'd do with rose bushes if I planted them!"
"Jenna, do you know how ridiculous you sound?" he asked in irritation mixed with exasperation.
"No, and I don't care," she assured him.
In spite of all the arguments and pleadings, Jenna refused to back down from her position. She was going to take the eighty-five year old Mrs. Pratt to Court, put her on the witness stand, and make her admit she poisoned the peas, cut the tops off her petunias, and beat the tomato plants to death. Since the camera was installed, nothing further had happened, however, much to Jenna's disappointment, unless you counted the number of smirks the elderly woman gave her when she saw her outside over the fence... or the times she called and asked Will to come over and fix something or help her with something.
"Jenna, it's not too late to cancel this nonsense with Mrs. Pratt," Will said to her at breakfast on the morning the hearing was to start.
"I have no intention of cancelling. I'm going to put her on the witness stand and make her admit what she did!"
"What if she has a heart attack?"
"She's too mean to die," Jenna told him once again, refusing to feel any pity whatsoever for the elderly woman.
"Very well, have it your way, young lady, but don't say I didn't give you every chance to stop this nonsense." He got up to leave for work, but Jenna took her time. She was going straight to the Courthouse, but the hearing wasn't to start until ten o'clock. Judge Monica Wilson had children to get off to school in the mornings and didn't open her Court until a bit later than some of the other Judges, including Will who liked to start promptly at eight.
Jenna went over all her evidence once again, including the pictures of the damage to her garden, and the statements from various nurseries claiming the damage to be vandalism and not disease or her own negligence. She also had three affidavits from other neighbors telling what a witch the 'sweet little old lady' was. Jenna was confident she would win her case without breaking a sweat.
She arrived early and took her place at the plaintiff's table, and was a bit shocked when Judge Wilson took her seat on the bench and there was still no sign of Mrs. Pratt. Judge Wilson was a bit perturbed, but before she could say anything the door to the large courtroom opened and Mrs. Pratt came in, using her walker and looking frail and confused. She had an attorney with her, and Jenna was shocked to learn that her own husband was defending Mrs. Pratt!
Chapter Three
Jenna was shocked... and extremely hurt... when she saw that her own husband was defending Mrs. Pratt! She flashed him a dirty look, and she saw the determination in his dark eyes. He clearly thought she was trying to bully a helpless elderly woman, and he was planning to stop her. Mrs. Pratt smirked at her behind Will's back and Jenna collected her emotions. She was going to give the woman exactly what she deserved.
"Ms. Fields, it is my understanding that you are representing yourself in this matter?"
"Yes, Your Honor, I am," Jenna said in a firm tone of voice.
"I must confess that I am surprised,
and concerned, that you are representing the defendant in this case, Mr. Cole," the Judge said in her soft voice.
"Mrs. Pratt is on a fixed income and I felt it best to step in and offer assistance in the hope this can be settled amicably..."
"Ms. Fields, is this going to present a problem? Would you like to seek representation for yourself?" Monica offered.
"There won't be a problem, Your Honor, but thank you for your consideration. The facts will speak for themselves," Jenna said with confidence.
"Very well, you may proceed, Ms. Fields," Judge Wilson was resigned to what she felt would be a very unpleasant and uncomfortable morning. Jenna presented her case, offering statements from the local nurseries, and affidavits from present and former neighbors.
Will couldn't believe that Jenna went to such extremes to battle the elderly Mrs. Pratt, and he couldn't help but wonder if she coached the neighbors in what to write for their legal statements. Judge Wilson broached the subject herself, and Will was shocked to learn that Jenna wasn't even involved in interviewing the others. He was beginning to wonder if his wife was justified after all... but then he looked at Mrs. Pratt and just shook his head in disbelief. There had to be some mistake, some confusion somewhere, because there was simply no way the sweet elderly woman would do any of those things!
When Jenna rested her case and sat down and he was given the floor, he called on Mrs. Pratt to testify in her defense. It took several minutes to get her on the witness stand and sworn in, and then Will asked her questions, and Mrs. Pratt's voice was feeble as she replied, and then she looked at the Judge and said, "I don't know why William's new wife dislikes me so much... I've tried to be a good neighbor and nice to her, but she doesn't like me at all! She threatened me!" she said in a loud whisper to the Judge.
Jenna stood up to answer that accusation, but before she could speak there was loud clapping from the back of the courtroom. "Bravo! Bravo, Mother! Another great performance!"
Judge Wilson rapped her gavel. "What do you mean by coming into my Court and behaving like this?" she asked the man standing just inside the door. "Who are you and what do you have to do with this proceeding?"
"Attorney Jonathan Pratt, Your Honor. I'm sorry to disrupt your Court, but Mrs. Pratt is my Mother, and I'm here to make sure justice is done."
"You get out of here, Jonathan!" Mrs. Pratt shook her cane at him, startling everyone except Jonathan and Jenna, who was merely curious as to what he had to say in his Mother's defense.
"Sorry, Mother. It's time to stop you before you actually kill someone. You promised the last time that you would behave, and here we go again."
"I don't know what you mean!" Mrs. Pratt's voice was no longer feeble, and when Jenna looked at Will she could see he was totally shocked.
"Your Honor, may I approach the bench?" Jonathan Pratt asked with respect. Judge Monica Wilson nodded. "Mother is on medication, which she has obviously stopped taking again. In the past, she has sabotaged co-workers, and neighbors... and worst of all, my wife. She's baked cakes and cookies and pies, and laced them with ex-lax or other drugs to cause pain. She puts on an innocent little old lady act... and just for the record, she doesn't need that cane any more than I do. She carries it to threaten little children, or anyone else she doesn't like, and to gain sympathy. I'd hoped that she'd learned her lesson about staying on her meds, but it's more than obvious she hasn't. I've filed a motion with the Courts to have her declared incompetent so that I can hospitalize her and keep her comfortable for the rest of her natural life, and also protect innocent people from her. I went by her place before coming here today, and she has several poisons in her house and in her garage, and I fear that she will do more than kill Mrs. Cole's garden if given the chance."
"You always were a liar, Jonathan! How much did that bitch pay you to lie for her?" Mrs. Pratt demanded! "She's ruined the entire neighborhood, you know. William is too good for someone like her!"
"My wife is not a bitch, Mrs. Pratt!" Will was on his feet instantly, anger staining his cheeks.
"You never should have married her, William!" the woman told him, shaking her cane. "She's not pretty, and she has a loud mouth!"
"That is enough, Mrs. Pratt. In view of the evidence and Mr. Pratt's testimony, this Court rules for the Plaintiff, and orders restitution and punitive damages..."
"Excuse me, Your Honor. Punitive damages are waived by the Plaintiff provided Mrs. Pratt is given the care she obviously needs," Jenna spoke up. She just wanted it over...
"Very well, Counselor. Good luck with your Mother, Mr. Pratt. Court is dismissed." Everyone stood and Monica practically ran from the room.
"I'm sorry about Mother, Mrs. Cole. When your husband contacted me, I was out of town and didn't get the message until the wee hours this morning. I drove all night to get here in time to deal with her. She won't bother you again," he said firmly.
"Thank you for coming," Jenna said politely. The man nodded and walked over to take his mother's arm, in spite of the fact she tried to hit him with her cane.
"Jenna," Will said softly. "I..."
"Don't, Will. I don't want to discuss this here." She picked up her things and left the courtroom. She'd won her case and should be happy, but instead, she wondered if her marriage would ever be the same again...
* * *
"Jenna, we have to talk about this," Will said from the doorway of her home office. He was frustrated. Jenna didn't answer the telephone or her cell phone all day long, and when he got home, she was holed up in her office, working.
"I'm working, Will. I have Court tomorrow morning."
"So do I, but we are going to talk."
"Sorry, I'm not in the mood. Please shut the door when you leave."
He took a step toward her, but her cell phone rang and after looking to see who was calling, she answered, "Yes, Jeff? What did you find out?" She turned her chair so her back was to Will, and he cautioned himself to be patient. When he realized the conversation was going to take some time, he left her office and shut the door. He would catch her at bedtime. But he didn't. She sneaked off to bed and was sound asleep... without so much as a goodnight for him! She woke early and left before he was out of bed, too.
Will tried to catch her during recess, but she put him off. "My mind is on my case, Will. This is not a good time."
"Okay, Jenna. But we will talk tonight... or else!" he added when she looked at him defiantly.
"I have some say in that, William Cole," she retorted.
"Don't tempt me, Jenna. This is not the time or place for your stubbornness."
"You are the one who is bothering me, Will. I have less than five minutes before I'm due back in court. I need this time to focus on what I am doing."
"What you need is a damned good spanking," he told her, and then left the room as her client was brought in.
Jenna looked after him and then squared her shoulders. She wasn't going to let William Cole get to her. He's the one who fucked up, not her!
* * *
"I heard you won your case today. Congratulations," Will said as he came outside to find Jenna working in her garden. "Judge Trenton was impressed that your cross examination brought out the truth and exonerated your client. He said you were tenacious."
"I believed my client when he said he was innocent," she answered with a shrug. "I'm really mad at you, William Cole." She didn't look up, but continued to work in the ground, trying her best to stay calm.
"If it helps any, I'm really mad at me, too," he said softly. "I'm not usually fooled so easily," he admitted. "Mrs. Pratt always seemed so fragile."
"She is a cobra!" Jenna said unkindly.
"Yes, she is. I'm sorry for not believing you and supporting you, Jenna," he said contritely.
"You didn't need to believe me... or support me, Will!" she looked up finally and her blue eyes were flashing with temper in spite of the tears filling them. "But, you didn't need to take her fucking side and defend her against me, Buster! I am supposed to
be your wife!"
"I didn't want to defend her so much as keep you from doing something you would regret, sweetheart," he explained. "You are such a strong lawyer and, it was such a personal matter. I truly didn't think her capable of those things, and frankly, I had no idea the other neighbors had problems with her, too." He looked at her and said humbly, "I was wrong, honey, and I am sorry. Please forgive me for being stupid."
"You could have at least warned me that you were defending her, Will," Jenna stated, still smarting. "I felt humiliated when you walked into the courtroom with her on your arm."
"I didn't mean it that way, Jenna," he said sincerely. "I hoped you would drop the suit, and then I just wanted to be there to pick you up when the Judge scolded you for bringing an eighty-five year old woman to court over killing tomato plants," his face was red. "I thought I would be helping the situation, sweetheart." He shook his head. "I was wrong to handle it the way I did, but it wasn't done maliciously. Please forgive me?" he asked.
Jenna nodded and got to her feet and put her arms around him. "I hate being angry with you," she admitted.
"I hate your being angry with me, too," he chuckled, holding her close. "I love you, Mrs. Cole."
"I love you, too, Mr. Cole," she kissed him.
"I want you to take note that I am letting a particular word go unnoticed and also the 'buster'," he pointed out, patting her bottom meaningfully.
"Duly noted," she smiled.
"If you feel like dressing up, I'll take you out to dinner somewhere extravagant and horribly expensive and give you a nice make-up present," he promised. He had a beautiful necklace to give her... and thought it would be nice to give it to her over a romantic candlelight dinner.
"I'd rather have dinner right here at home and go to bed early tonight, Will," she replied, but her blue eyes were twinkling. "We can go upstairs and I'll shower and we can have our make-up present before dinner...? Better yet, we can shower together..." she bumped her butt against his, and Will laughed out loud.