Don't Tempt Me Read online

Page 2

  When she woke the next morning, Jenna was surprised to smell coffee and something baking. It meant that Will was already up and in the kitchen. He often fixed breakfast for them. She went to the bathroom, and relieved her bladder, and then brushed her teeth and ran a brush through her short hair. A quick glance in the mirror told her that her bottom wasn't nearly as bruised as she expected it to be, but her sit spots were definitely going to give her fits for a few days. She was bruised there. She applied more aloe gel, and then put on a robe and slippers and went to look for coffee.

  "Good morning," Will greeted her with a smile, and then crossed the room to hug and kiss her. "Did you sleep well?" he asked.

  "Once you got into bed with me," she smiled. "I am sorry for leaving the Parkers' last night, darling. I was just in so much pain I couldn't sit there another minute. I felt like I was going to be sick to my stomach."

  "I shouldn't have made you go," he admitted. "I'm sorry, Jenna. I was too hard on you last night."

  "I was being sassy," she stated calmly. "I don't know why I've been pushing you so hard the last few weeks, but I think it has to do with knowing the limits. I've always been one to need to have the boundaries established, darling. I'm not proud of myself for forcing the issue..."

  "I have been too slow in placing those boundaries," he replied. "There is a certain word that comes up often in court called 'controlling'. I don't want to be a jerk, but I also believe that there has to be some rules if a marriage is going to survive."

  Jenna nodded in agreement. "You aren't controlling, darling. You are the head of our household, and that is exactly the kind of marriage I need and want. A very traditional marriage based on love and respect. When I cross certain lines, I expect you to let me know about it."

  "Even if it means a very sore bottom for a day or two?" he asked, perfectly serious.

  "I earned a spanking yesterday, and probably a few other times in the last few weeks," Jenna told him. "I wasn't respectful when you told me I had to go to Mary and Allen's. If I'd talked to you with respect and told you I felt raw and too emotional to deal with going, you would have listened to me. Instead, I made it an issue from which you couldn't back down without losing respect. I'm truly sorry, Will. I can't promise it won't ever happen again, but I can and do promise I will try to be more respectful in the future. You never would have spanked me so hard if I hadn't been disrespectful."

  "You certainly know how to make a guilty husband feel better, sweetheart," he kissed her again. "I do love you, and if I lost you, I would never forgive myself."

  "You won't lose me over my own foolishness, darling. I promise you that. Now, may I have some of your wonderful coffee, and what is in the oven?"

  "Oh crap!" the dignified Judge leaped for the oven and took out his coffee cake at just the right moment. "Good thing you reminded me, Jenna," he grinned sheepishly.

  Even though the chairs at the breakfast table had nice soft cushions on the seat, Jenna didn't feel like sitting down. Will frowned when he saw her look of pain and before she could guess what he was about, he gently pushed her down over the table and whistled when he pushed up her robe and nightgown and saw the bruises on her sit spots. "Ouch, and overdone for the crime," he announced. "I beg your pardon for being too harsh, Jenna."

  She reached up and caressed his cheek. "We know each other a lot better now, Will. We love each other, and when we need to address something in the future we'll both know a bit better how to behave and react to the other. I am as responsible for these bruises as you are, and I don't want you kicking yourself or having regrets. Hear me?" she asked.

  "I hear you, but it doesn't mean that I have to be happy with bruising you. I want you to get some arnica gel and apply it liberally today. It will help, sweetheart. I think I will resort to a cane instead of that bath brush the next time I need to make a point. It will sting, but it won't leave bruises of that sort."

  "A cane!" Jenna's voice squeaked.

  "Used for spanking, it's no worse than a small switch, Jenna. I'll demonstrate it to you after I order a few of them to have on hand."

  "Will! You make it sound like you are planning to spank me nearly every day!" she accused.

  "Oh, but I am!" he grinned at her. "I am, Jenna!"

  Chapter Two

  Judge William Cole couldn't help but admire his lovely wife as she presented her arguments for the defense. She was lovely, even in a business suit. She was a good attorney, too, and he listened to her arguments with pride. Of course, she was going to lose this case... and knew it going in, but she was doing her best to mitigate the damage, and by the jury's expressions, Will could see she was doing a good job of it. He finally dismissed the jury to deliberate and cautioned both attorneys to remain available in case a decision was reached within a reasonable time. None of them had any control over the time involved in this part.

  Jenna wanted this hearing over with as soon as possible. Her client didn't stand a chance of being acquitted, but hoped he would be given a light sentence, which could be suspended in favor of probation. Jenna had warned him that it wouldn't make the Court more lenient because she was representing him, and his reply was a succinct, "I'll just settle for fair, Ms. Fields." Jenna maintained her maiden name professionally because she felt it would be too confusing if she went by Jenna Cole at work.

  It didn't take the jury long, and Will was impressed at how quickly they came to a fair decision. They found the defendant guilty as charged, recommended restitution and punitive damages for the plaintiff, and were agreeable to probation for the defendant so he could remain working and pay the plaintiff the money she was owed. Judge Cole supported their wishes and went ahead with the sentencing. The relief on the defendant's face was palpable, and he even thanked the Court and Jury for their mercy and understanding, and promised that he would never make another mistake of this sort and apologized to the plaintiff once again.

  "Ms. Fields, may I see you in my chambers?" Judge Cole asked quietly once the case was closed.

  She nodded and took the time to wish her client well, and to answer the questions he had about his probation and making restitution. Once that was all done, she walked over to where Will's Bailiff stood and smiled at him. "How are you today, Greg?"

  "Just fine, Mrs. Cole," the man gave her a big smile and opened the door to Will's chambers for her.

  "You did a great job, Jenna," Will said proudly.

  "Thank you, and thank you for sentencing today instead of making us wait another week or two. I don't think my client could handle the stress."

  "I feel sorry for him," Will admitted. "He took money to buy medicine for his wife... The jury took that into consideration, and I approved of their decision. There was no need to make him wait for sentencing. He'll put this behind him eventually, and his employers' willingness to keep him on and support him through this weighed heavily in his favor. I think every member of that jury could picture him or herself in his place... insurance ran out, and his wife was suffering. While it's true he should have asked for help, he felt helpless and did the wrong thing." He looked at his wife and said quietly, "I might have done the same thing in his place, Jenna."

  "Somehow I doubt that, darling. You would have found another way, I'm sure." She put her arms around him and gave him a kiss. Are you done for the day?" she wanted to know.

  "No... I have some cases to review and a couple of motions I need to reply to. I'll be home around six," he smiled. "Do you want to go out to dinner tonight?" he asked.

  "No... I cleared the day for this trial, and it went much smoother than I thought. I'm going on home and I'll have time to fix dinner tonight. What would you like?" she asked.

  "Manicotti," he answered without a bit of hesitation, "and Tiramisu for dessert," he tacked on with a boyish grin. It was nice to be married to a woman who cooked as fabulous as any trained chef. Jenna was constantly surprising him with elaborate dinners that were better than those he ordered out.

  "That can be arranged, my d
arling," she promised, and then gave him another kiss that had him wishing he could join her at home right now!

  "You'd best get going before we disgrace ourselves in this office," he teased and then gave her bottom a smart little slap. "I might have to take you over my knee tonight for coming in here and tempting me."

  "Now that sounds kind of kinky and like it might be fun!" she teased, cocking her head in such a way that it seemed like an invitation.

  He chuckled at her sass, and then gave her another kiss full of promise and another hearty spank on the seat of her skirt. "Go on now, Mrs. Cole, and let your husband get some work done.

  Jenna left with a smile on her face. She called into work to make sure nothing came up while she was in Court that needed her immediate attention and then she went home, thankful she didn't need to stop for ingredients on her way home. Will loved Italian food, and she was well stocked with the ingredients needed to make his manicotti and his tiramisu. She would add a salad and some garlic toast, and he would be a happy man.

  Once home, she went to their bedroom and hung up her suit and put the rest of her clothing into the hamper. Within minutes she was dressed in a pair of shorts and a tank top. She padded barefoot to the kitchen and did all the prep work for her manicotti and made the tiramisu. Once that was all done, she had over two hours left she could spend in the yard gardening before it was time to put dinner in the oven.

  With a smile on her face, she went into the yard and then let out a cry of rage! Her newly planted tomato plants were laying on the ground, trampled and smashed to smithereens! That mean old witch had struck again! Jenna went from calm and happy to angry in one split second! This time the old harridan had gone too far. Maybe Will didn't believe the eighty-five year old woman was capable of such blatant destruction but Jenna knew better. Mrs. Pratt hated her, and she was systematically sneaking over here and killing off her plants!

  Jenna marched next door and leaned on the doorbell until the elderly woman answered. "Don't you dare try to look frail, you old busy-body! I want to know why you killed my tomato plants? I just put them out two days ago!"

  "Did you water them?" the woman asked with a smirk.

  "Of course I watered them!" Jenna yelled at her. "You beat them to death with that bloody cane of yours!"

  "Why, I have no idea what you are talking about!" the woman's eyes were openly mocking her.

  "IF you weren't so old, I'd... I'd..... Oh, I'm going to sue the pants off you, you old witch! This is IT! Do you hear me? I have had it and I'm going to nail you and your cane to the fence!" Jenna stomped home, and without considering her husband's reaction, she prepared the documents she needed, faxed them to her office, and had her aide come by so she could sign what needed signing, and had the young man go and file them with the Court. She was tired of being nice. Maybe if the old biddy had to make restitution for all the plants and flowers she'd destroyed in the last three months, she would learn to behave!

  When Will came home a while later, he was clearly angry. "What did you say to Mrs. Pratt, young lady?" he demanded as he walked into the kitchen without so much as a 'hello'.

  "I told her I was sick and tired of her coming over here and destroying my plants and flowers," Jenna replied calmly.

  "She said you threatened to hit her," his eyes were damning.

  "No, I did not. I told her she was lucky she was old, and then told her I was going to sue her."

  "You are not going to drag Mrs. Pratt to court, Jenna. I forbid it."

  She looked at him and said, "You're too late, Buster. I already filed the suit, and I'm not going to drop it. I won't let that old witch get away with destroying my property."

  "You aren't serious?" he asked in an incredulous tone of voice.

  "Never more serious in my entire life. I'm going to make that old witch confess once and for all."

  "You'll give her a heart attack!"

  "She'll never die; she's too damn mean!"

  "Jenna, be reasonable."

  "I am being reasonable. You're the one who's blind to this woman's perfidy!" She stomped her foot and then said, "Come with me, Will. Just you bring your butt outside and look what she did!"

  Will followed his little blonde outside to her garden and looked in disbelief at her tomato plants. "Did you forget to water them?" he asked.

  "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Jenna screamed and then cursed before stomping back into the house. "If you want your dinner you'd better take it out of the oven in five minutes. I'm going upstairs and I want to be alone."

  "Jenna, you come back here. We need to talk this out in a reasonable manner. You can't sue an eighty-five year old woman over a few tomato plants. A dog might have trampled them!"

  "Yes, a dog unlocked the gate and said, "I'm only going to jump on the tomato plants! Good grief, Will! That woman hates me, and you refuse to believe me!"

  "You're overreacting. Let's eat dinner and then we'll go over and sit down and have a talk with Mrs. Pratt and work this out like two reasonable neighbors."

  "I'll talk to her in Court, Will. I've given you three months to deal with her, and now I'll do it legally... my way!" She headed for the doorway. "Your dinner is going to burn..."

  "Aren't you going to eat?" he asked.

  "No. I've lost my appetite."

  Will removed the food from the oven, shut it off, and then headed upstairs. Apparently the last spanking he gave his little wife had worn off. She was back to acting like a brat again. "Jenna, when you're done in there, I expect you to come down to the study." She was taking a shower and he couldn't understand what she said, but it sounded like, "Duck golf!" At least, that is what she'd better have said! he frowned. He took off his suit and then found a pair of jeans and an old tee shirt that had seen better days. He didn't bother with shoes or socks, but went to his study and flipped on his computer. He didn't know a thing about gardening, but he quickly looked up tomato plants and their diseases, trying to find a rational explanation for the condition of Jenna's plants. A half hour later he knew a lot more about tomato plants, and at least enough to know that Jenna hadn't killed them herself, and they weren't diseased. It still didn't mean that Mrs. Pratt did anything to deserve being sued. He looked at his watch and frowned. Jenna should have come downstairs by now.

  He got up and made the trip upstairs and found her in her office, working. "I thought I asked you to come down and talk to me?" he said questioningly, giving her the benefit of the doubt. "Didn't you hear me over the water?"

  Jenna didn't look at him. "I thought I made it clear I didn't want to talk to you...?"

  "I see. Does that mean that the 'duck golf' I heard you say was another phrase altogether?" His voice was still calm, but underneath his temper was starting to simmer and little Jenna had no clue how close she was to another sound spanking.

  "By Jove, I think e's got it!" she said in her best Cockney accent.

  "Well, I think it is time that you 'get it'," Will announced and with a quick move he shut off the power to her computer.

  "William Cole! You just caused me to lose all that data!" Jenna declared furiously.

  "Too bad. You come with me, young lady. I won't be spoken to so disrespectfully, even by you."

  "Too bad for you!" her blue eyes flashed dangerously. "I've asked you for three months to deal with that old harridan. You haven't. I'm dealing with her now, and you can just back off. As my husband, I would think you would support me, not make some impossible demand to go and sit down with that old biddy and let her make more excuses. She's got you fooled, Buster!"

  "That tears it. How many darn times have I asked you not to call me that?" Will was offended. "Every time you get annoyed, you start talking like a gangster from the 30's."

  "Well, I've asked you not to call me 'young lady', and yet you persist in calling me that!" she was good at making her point and arguing.

  But so was he, "Young lady is not derogatory, Buster is. Look it up if you don't believe me."

  "How can I wh
en you just shut off my computer without letting me save my work... BUSTER!"

  "You're acting like a brat."

  "And you're acting like a hardheaded blind man! You can't even see what is in front of you. That old woman wants me dead, and you're going to be sorry when you come home and find my body and learn the truth some day!"

  "Jenna, you're being ridiculous. While I have to admit that it doesn't appear your tomato plants died of a disease, you have no proof whatsoever that Mrs. Pratt came over here and beat them with her cane. Your lawsuit is ridiculous, and if it comes through my Court, I'll dismiss it out of hand."

  "Luckily, I made damn sure it won't come through your Court, Judge Cole. I want a fair Judge!" she taunted him, and as soon as the words left her mouth sweet reason returned and she realized she'd said the wrong thing at just the right time. Will prided himself on being fair, no matter the case or who was involved. Since he was already angry with her, it wasn't surprising when his face hardened and he reached for her, his intentions clear as could be in his dark eyes. "Don't you DARE!" Jenna backed out of reach. "I know you're fair, Will, but not in this matter. You've already made up your mind that Mrs. Pratt is innocent and that I'm out of my mind."

  "No, I've made up my mind that you need a damned good spanking, and that is what is going to happen right this minute."

  "No! That's not fair!" she protested.

  "It might not seem fair to you, but it sounds real fair to me." He moved quickly and snagged her slender wrist and pulled her along behind him and into their bedroom and over to the bed. In the next instant she was lying facedown across the new comforter she bought.

  "No, Will! I don't want a spanking!" she cried out mere seconds before his hand landed on her bottom. All she was wearing was a short tee, and it was up around her waist, effectively baring her backside for spanking. It was too embarrassing for words. "I have to sit in a deposition first thing tomorrow morning!" she tried to get him to stop.